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MindStamp Microcontroller Prototyping System
The MindStampTM Prototyping System is a powerful tool for developing hardware and software for embedded systems. It includes all the hardware and software needed to begin learning about microcontrollers and electronics. This is the perfect tool for Engineers, Hobbyists, Professors, Students, Researchers, Physicists, Chemists, Computer Specialists and anyone interested in this fun and exciting field.
MTPRO11 Microcontroller Board MindStampTM's intelligence derives from the Mekatronix MTJPRO11 board which features the MC68HC11A1 microcontroller with 32KBytes of RAM and extensive I/O interfacing logic. MindStampTM communicates with your PC through a Mekatronix MB2325 serial communications board, making serial uploading and downloading from your PC a breeze. A platform made of strong, durable ABS plastic keeps all MindStampTM components together in a nice package, a decided advantage when prototyping. For example, both the communications and controller circuit boards mount directly onto the platform. The platform supplies several other conveniences: microcontroller mode switches and indicator lights for power and charging, and room to mount two solderless breadboards.
The entire prototyping system runs on six AA NiCd rechargeable batteries for easy portability. This feature is especially convenient when you have to port MindStampTM for on-site testing of your prototype! If you have a laptop computer, you can take your MindStamp with you wherever you take your laptop!

To facilitate program development on your MindStampTM system with all the advantages of the C programming language, MekatronixTM recommends the ICC11 C-Compiler and Integrated Development System which is available through authorized Mekatronix distributors.

Recommended configuration for a fully functional MindStampTM System:
  1. MindStampTM Prototyping System.
  2. 12 volt, 500ma, AC Adapter.
  3. 6 NiCd Batteries.
  4. Mekatronix 6-wire Serial Cable.
  5. Serial cable from your PC COM port with a 25-Pin D-Connector at one end to connect to the MB2325 communication board.

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